LYRE 'N' RHAPSODY Line up: Athena Chioti lead singer Aliki Markantonatou ancient Greek lyre - vocals Areti Miggou percussions - vocals as guest Andrejka Možina voice, cello, composition ⟨ENG⟩ Lyre 'n' Rhapsody is an all-female acoustic music group with ancient lyre, percussions and voices, which has the special gift of bringing out ancient timbres with an ethnic aesthetic, illuminating different aspects of Greek musical culture in an original way. They were founded in 2013 in Athens; so far they have released three albums and give concerts in Greece and abroad. They have collaborated with many musicians in concerts. In the creation of their 3rd album, Aegean, ancient and traditional Greek instruments, create together and echo for the first time, with Chinese traditional ones such as the Guzeng (stringed instrument) and the Xiao (ancient wind instrument). Awakening of the Muse - Project Summary Awakening of the Muse is a musical performance with/or without dance, where the Muse of antiquity is awakened through musical instruments, ancient and modern poems, choreographies based on images from attic pottery, and female voices. "Sing my beloved Muse, start my melodies. Let the breeze, which comes from your groves, captivate my mind." 2nd century AD, Unknown composer. The musical pieces are selected in relation to the awakening of inspiration. Some of them are in ancient Greek language, like the song of the Sirens from the Odyssey. Others rely on the power of percussions and dance, such as the dance of the witch Circe, and also include some emblematic traditional songs, such as the Perfume or the Desert’s Nightingale. Overall, the show alternates between the ancient, traditional and modern worlds, exuding beauty, lyricism and sensuality, according to the Greek standards. JAZZ MUSIC CELLO AND VOICE Line up: Andrejka Možina voice, cello, composition ⟨ENG⟩ The cello and voice project draws on different styles, presenting themes of popular and authorial extraction, including improvisation and timbre experimentation on the cello. ⟨ITA⟩ Il progetto solistico con violoncello e voce attinge a diversi stili, presentando temi di estrazione popolare e autorale intrisi di estemporaneità nell'improvvisazione e nella sperimentazione timbrica al violoncello. |